Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Top ways to use botanicals for a healthy detox

Cleanse, purify, cleanse , is everywhere you look in the month of January. But you do not have to live on juice alone or only fruits and vegetables detoxification , cleansing can take many forms. Simply cut wheat and sugar , both associated with inflammation, can be cleaned .

For some , leaving only alcohol can be cleaned . There are also a variety of plants that can help the body detoxify , for example , the herb milk thistle may help your body , liver function better body detox .

If you are juice fasting , lighten the load of sugar or fat , or no changes in diet, there are herbs that can help your body function better and feel better. We spoke with Laurie Steelsmith , ND, author of Great Sex , Naturally ( Hay House , 2012) for the whole truth.

" If you think about all the chemicals that are unintentionally exposed to every day , it can become overwhelming The good news is that it's easy to give your body a break : . First , minimize exposure and secondly, to give a boost and clean with herbs, supplements and other ways that you can incorporate into your daily life , "says Steelsmith .

If you want to help your body cleanse , then it is suggested to pay attention to her liver , lungs , skin , kidneys and intestinal health . Here , she offers some tips on how to do it .

6 Tips for healthy living clean

Use turmeric in your diet to improve the health of the liver , the active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin , a powerful anti - inflammatory . Protects the liver against toxins as well, and can break causing agents in liver cancer . Curcumin also helps the liver to the path of bile from the liver to remove sludge and toxins from the body. You can take curcumin as a supplement. Steelsmith gives his patients 500 mg three times a day for cleaning.
To improve kidney function , not just drink plenty of water (at least half your body weight in ounces ) , but drink lots of ginger tea to improve circulation in general and create energy or qi , their kidneys.

Milk thistle is ideal for detoxification , as well as improving the liver's ability to break down toxins , but also helps protect the liver against toxins in the process. Steelsmith recommended that patients take a supplement milk thistle 400 mg daily, standardized to contain 70-80 percent silymarin.

To enhance removal through the skin, no washing or brushing of the skin before or loofah in the shower. Brushing always towards your heart , as it will move the node where you need to go to enhance detoxification . Topic you can apply 3 drops of essential oil of cedar, diluted in 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil after washing. This will move the fluids through the body and , in turn also support the ability of the kidneys to eliminate toxins. Note that on an emotional level , cedar is associated with strengthening the will.

To improve elimination through the intestines , enjoy lots of fiber. Add chia seeds to your smoothie , or just mix 2 tablespoons 8 ounces of water and drink twice daily . This will act as a broom and whip through their toxins from the colon.

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