Thursday, February 27, 2014

Best Drinks For a Detox Cleanse and Weight Loss

Cleanse Detox is essentially a method of trying to rid the body of all toxins accumulated in the body . These toxins can really come from many different sources, not least in the food we eat every day of our lives. At least we can change what we eat. But we also have toxins that enter our body through the environment. This is something that can change as easily . So we try to be cleaned regularly to help the body remove these toxins . There are many drinks that can be helpful when you want to lose weight or simply to cleanse the internal organs. You basically needed is these juices from fresh ingredients and being especially preferably organic fruits and vegetables. Here are some of some of the detox drinks .

Lemon drink

Lemon water is perhaps the best juices for any cleansing diet detox or even weight loss diet. Make lemon drink is very simple and requires only two ingredients , lemon and water, you can add sugar or honey to taste. Just add half a cup of water to half a cup of lemon juice and drink is ready.

Apple juice and celery

Apples are perfect for any rehabilitation center , as they are rich in antioxidants. You need two apples and two celery sticks , juice, and add a little lemon juice to taste.

Beet juice

They beets are important because they are rich in vitamin A. To prepare the beet juice beet root is needed, celery sticks and carrot. Juice and add a little water .

Ginger and Turmeric tea detox

The two tea ingredients are very good cleaners. To prepare the tea with ginger and turmeric detox need two mugs of boiling water. Add a teaspoon of ginger and half a teaspoon of turmeric, you can add a small amount of maple syrup or just to enhance the flavor a bit .

Dandelion tea detox

This drink is very good, because it contains several vitamins that are essential for detoxification, such as vitamin A, B, D. To prepare the tea have to add a couple of tablespoons of dandelion leaves powder or crushed in water boiled . You can add lemon to taste .

These drinks when taken occasionally will help detox cleanse your body and help you lose weight as part of a calorie controlled diet . For effective results , you might consider fasting on these drinks for a period of two to three days . All cleaning should be performed detoxification diet occasionally .

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